Monday, February 10, 2020

Monster Hunter Monster Spotlight: Deviljho

When a hunter makes it to High Rank, their quest can be invaded be other large monsters that aren’t their intended targets. In Monster Hunter 3, the staple monster for that mechanic was the Deviljho. While it may look like someone engineered a tyrannosaurus crossed with a pickle, there is nothing laughable about it. The first thing that should catch your attention is the change in atmosphere upon its arrival. It has its own musical score that plays when it appears and has the ability to escalate a hunt’s difficulty within seconds of its arrival. Being a bulky dinosaur, one hit this thing could easily knock off more than half of a hunter’s health with one hit if they haven’t prepared themselves.  Newly high ranked players are faced with a huge difficulty spike then they come face to face with it. That’s not even ignoring the attacks in the Deviljho’s arsenal. It has standard attacks you’d expect to see such as a forward charge and a tail swipe, the real danger comes from the ailments that it can inflict on you. It can shoot dragon breath that can strip your weapons of their elemental damage leaving you to only rely on raw power.